Secure your VAT !
Check your intra-Community VAT numbers...
Create your user account and get a free check of 50 numbers...

Secure your VAT !
Check your intra-Community VAT numbers...

If you are an exporter of goods or services to other EU countries, you are exempt from VAT on these transactions if you have the intra-Community VAT number of your buyer.

But do you know that if this number is invalid, the tax authorities may deny you the exemption and claim the VAT on the transaction?

To secure your VAT, you should regularly check the validity of your customers' VAT numbers whether they are in Germany, Hungary, Portugal or elsewhere in the European Union.

CheckTVA helps you in this tedious process by saving you time...

Facture électronique

Get ready for electronic invoicing!

Between 1 July 2024 and 1 January 2026, all businesses must have chosen an electronic invoicing solution


Find out how CheckTVA can help you make this transition.


The VAT compliance solution

Periodic verification of your customers' and suppliers' intra-Community VAT numbers has become a tax obligation to secure your VAT and avoid the questioning of export VAT exemptions and deductibility of import VAT.

But how do you check several hundred or even several thousand numbers each month?

CheckTVA brings you the solution...

Tax free
Gain de temps

Automate. Save time.

CheckTVA is the automation of the verification of intra-community VAT numbers. From a simple Excel or OpenOffice file, our application checks with all European tax administrations the validity of each number and provides you with an enhanced Excel or OpenOffice file...


Test CheckVAT

Isn't it best to test our tool?

Check a VAT number Check a set of numbers

Bonus: find your intra-Community VAT number for free from your SIREN number (France)

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